Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Jalpaiguri, inaugurated its new project, on Sacred Tithipuja Day of Swami Brahmananandaji Maharaj "Maternity and Child Welfare Services", on Friday, January 31, 2025. The event, which drew a large crowd of over 150 participants, was marked by Vedic chanting, soulful songs, and inspiring speeches.
The ceremony began with a traditional floral tribute to the holy trinity, offered by dignitaries and monastics. The gathering was addressed by several esteemed guests, including Sri Tamojit Chakraborty, SDO, Jalpaiguri; Dr. Asim Haldar, CMOH - Health; Dr. Kalyan Kumar Mukherjee, DMO, Aayush; Dr. Trideep Das Dy. CMOH-I; Nuetrianist Dr Paramita Paul, and Dr. Bidhan Saha.
The dignitaries expressed their appreciation for the project and emphasized the importance of maternal and child healthcare in the region. Their words of encouragement and support added to the enthusiasm and optimism of the occasion.
The event concluded with the distribution of tea and snacks to all participants, marking a joyful and auspicious beginning to the project.
With the launch of "Maternity and Child Welfare Services", Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Jalpaiguri, has reaffirmed its commitment to serving the community and promoting the well-being of mothers and children in the region.